The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire. ~Sharon Ralls Lemon
This is Dell back in May, just days before my surgery. If you remember, it was Dell who was tragically injured the previous August. For a brief reminder go here then here. Then you will be up to speed. The pictures above were taken moments after Dell being turned out for the first time since his injury. You would think he would go racing down the hill and want to run and buck for a while, nope, he wanted to be a pocket pony.
I was extremely worried that I wouldn't have a horse at the end of this recovery, but Dell proved me wrong. I not only have a horse, but he has blossomed into this beautiful, cute, willing animal, who desperately just wants to please his Mommy.
He and I are now making the slow recovery to get back in shape from our injuries. He has great motion in the hock and my vet feels he should have no further issues with it, other than some arthritis much later in life that can easily be treated. I have ridden him a few times now and have been very pleased with all that he remembered.
I'm so happy to hear that he is fully recovered and that you two are an item. Good luck as you both get to know each other and start having some well-deserved fun.
He is my sweetie and I am hoping t have some much deserved fun with him. I am in no hurry, so we are just taking our time.
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