Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dell's Injury Part 2 (Warning graphic pictures)

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. ~Author Unknown

Continuation post of Dell's injury...

Dell was outfitted with an extended toe on his hoof, so as not to buckle his pastern over when resting his leg. Thank you Ralph. Dell then began the long road to recovery. Yvonne felt it would be a year of stall rest. How long he will be tied.... no one knows. Tomorrow will be 11 weeks since his injury, and this amazing little stallion has endured through it all.

*****Graphic Pic Warning*****

Below is a few pictures showing his injury. These were taken 4 days after Dell had been injured. This is better than what we originally had that Sunday.

As you can see through the pictures the bone was already covered. Thank goodness. Out of the five stay stitches Yvonne had put in, by Thursday we were down to two, one on each side. We knew this would happen and were surprised the last two had held.

Every other day now, I take the bandages off, inspect the wound, which continues to look good, apply ointments and re wrap the leg. I do not think I have ever owned so many sets of polo wraps and quilts.

Dell does so well during this process, every once in a while he will hold his leg up as if to say "Please, I don't want to do this, it hurts.", and I talk to him and soothe him and he relaxes and stands quietly. Twice, I have used a twitch on him, but other than that, he just stands there for me like a good boy.

Shortly after his injury, we outfitted his stall with his own personal fan, and a grow light, that is set on a timer for him. His door remains open during the day so that he can be the Walmart Greeter. Happily looking for scratches, hugs and treats. He plays the invalid patient so well to my boarders. He reminds me with a loud whinny, if he feels I have not brushed him long enough.


sue said...

Hello, I'm Sue... I found your blog via brown eyed cowgirls, and hope you don't mind me popping in... I just wanted to send my good wishes to your beautiful Dell, and applaud the way you have cared for this wonderful creature. I am so sorry this experience has come into your life, but am happy to learn he is doing well and looks like he is well on the mend... best wishes

dday said...

I wish Dell would not feel so much hurt because I have read that animals feel emotions twice the emotions of humans. get well soon Dell.